Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Should I see a chiropractor for a stiff neck?

I am a 24 year old male. I have a stiff neck. Should I see a chiropractor for a stiff neck?

5 Answers

Yes, consulting a chiropractor for a stiff neck can be a beneficial option. Chiropractors are trained in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions, including neck stiffness. They can perform a comprehensive evaluation to identify the underlying cause of your stiff neck, which may be due to misalignments or restrictions in the spine or surrounding muscles. Through manual adjustments, mobilizations, soft tissue techniques, and other therapies, chiropractors can help alleviate the stiffness, reduce pain, and improve neck mobility. It is important to consult with a qualified chiropractor who can assess your specific situation and provide appropriate treatment based on your individual needs.
A stiff neck can be due to stress and can usually be relieved by a chiropractor. A stiff neck could occur from looking down at a computer or cell phone for long periods of time. The pain can radiate from the neck and is occasionally painful to touch. Typically this does not require an x-ray, so seeing a chiropractor for a stiff neck would help determine your situation. Learn more about neck pain on my site:
Chiropractors commonly treat patients with stiff necks. Often it is caused by misalignments of the joints of the spine from improper sleeping posture, or prolonged activity with your neck in an awkward position. These are just a few of the several causes of neck stiffness. A chiropractic exam and history is needed to determine the treatment needed.
Chiropractors have seen and helped lots of stiff necks. We are also trained to identify life-threatening conditions which may require referrals.

Dr. Homer Wall
Absolutely, neck stiffness is commonly treated with good results in Chiropractic offices.