Dentist Questions Dentist

Should you floss before or after brushing?

I am a 32 year old male. I want to know if you should floss before or after brushing?

9 Answers

The answer is yes! Some say before, others after. Just do both daily!
You should always floss then brush then rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash.
Before you brush your teeth , you should rinse a few times with water and swish well. Then you brush with toothpaste. Do not rinse. Now floss your teeth after brushing. You will get greater benefit by doing it this way as will introduce the fluoride in between the teeth. Then after you floss, you rinse out your mouth.
Any floss is better than no floss. Floss like a boss before, after or whenever.

Dr Jensen
You should floss before you brush. You want to brush away germs and plaque after it’s loosened by the floss. In addition, the fluoride in toothpaste needs to contact the surface you just flosses in order to help remineralize that portion of “damaged” tooth.

Warmest Regards,

Joseph J. Lee, DDS
The act of flossing is much more important than the timing. Flossing before brushing can be more motivating, you'd see or taste all the particles that are being removed. Black floss is good for helping plaque show up. As long as you physically dislodge the plaque from in between your teeth daily, your dental and overall health should be better.
You should floss before brushing.
At your age, you don't have to floss that often. If you want to floss, floss first and brush teeth, and rinse out with plenty water.