Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

ā€œShoulder torn tendon?ā€

Is it safe to play sports with only one tendon on my bicep? I have a Popeyes. Iā€™m worried about tearing the other.

Male | 73 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months

3 Answers

Absolutely no contraindication to sports with a torn biceps tendon that tore at the shoulder. You might tear the other side which should not deter you from playing.
Once the pain has subsided from the original tear, you are at the same risk of another tear usually 6-8 weeks.

Good luck,

Dr. L
Yes, it is safe to play sports. It is very unusual to tear the other tendon of the biceps. Usually, the primary torn tendon will heal/scar into a stable position and begin to function in a more normal fashion over about 3 months.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD