Neurologist Questions Neurologist

So I think I have night terrors

I think I have night terrors cause when I wake up I sit up right immediately

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 21/12/2022
Medications: None
Conditions: No

2 Answers

Night terrors usually present with episodes of waking up from sleep in a terror like state and are usually associated with little recollection of the event or " Terrifying" dream. Normally the person is in a sleep like state and not very responsive. When the episode begins to subside they will usually return to sleep. So night terrors could be a less likely possibility while other sleep disorders and certain types of epilepsy should be considered.  Talk to your doctor and have them do a sleep study and an Electroencephalogram to try and sort things out. Good Luck. 
Night terrors, sleepwalking, seizures, and sleep eating are all abnormal behaviors that occur during sleep, and as a group is called parasomnia. Meaning “around “or “sleep “. If they are frequent and/or bothersome then tell your family doctor about them.