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Sprained wrist?

I fell on my wrist 5 months ago. I fractured my wrist and had to be in a cast. Now it’s completely healed and I have been doing therapy on my wrist for 3 months now. I just want to know why it’s giving out and a bone is popping out when I turn my wrist wrong I think it’s called the scaphoid bone. I did an MRI I’d had one grade two tear and the rest were good. I just want to know why my rest gives out at the top.

Male | 26 years old

4 Answers

Sometimes a broken wrist (fracture of the bones in the wrist) can also tear or stretch out the soft tissues that hold the wrist bones together (the ligaments). Bones generally heal, and if they were set in an acceptable fashion and alignment, they do not generally cause pain or loss of function. However, if the bones in the wrist are loose and moving around too much (‘popping out’, grinding on each other, giving way, etc.), then perhaps the ligaments are not functioning well. An MRI is usually done in a static (non-moving) position, as opposed to dynamic (or the wrist moving around to see how the bones move around each other). The readings are also open to interpretation. A grade 1 or 2 tear is very hard to determine based on an MRI and especially in the wrist since the bones are oddly-shaped and small. Clinically (how you are feeling and functioning), if 5 months have gone by and there are still feeling that something is not right in the wrist, it is recommended that you treat with a Board-certified hand surgeon, so they can thoroughly evaluate you and guide you to a better-functioning wrist. I hope this helps.
To whom it may be a concern, You also suffered a ligament tear post fell. You need to regenerate your wrist ligament by prolotherapy or prolozone therapy, plus platelet-rich plasma injection.
When you broke the bone you probably tore some ligaments, a treatment called prolotherapy might be helpful in helping those ligaments to heal.
Probable schapho-Lunate ligament full tear. Start by having your primary doc order a new wrist X-ray that includes a scaphoid view. Then go see an orthopedic hand surgeon with all your X-rays on a CD from the X-ray department.