“Surgery and reopened wound?”
Before seeing the surgeon on Monday, Saturday night I woke up to use the restroom half-asleep, after 11 days post-injury being placed in a protective device, I didn't put on went to the restroom located in my room, tripped over my nonfunctioning great toe, reopening the wound. So! Surgeon Monday again disappointed in prior care, in addition to the ortho before him not adding crutches to my boot. which he believed attributed to the wound reopening. He agreed the EHL extensor tendon in R foot was lacerated. Now we have several problems. It's already 2 weeks post-injury and my wound is open. But it needs to be corrected, it's hindering my walking and will continue to and we are a very active family and again still young.
So, after some thought, with a very strict plan and my solemn promise, he agreed it would be ideal to repair this and will see me Friday, June 17. He placed me on oral and topical antibiotics, remain in a boot, non-weight bearing, using crutches. Basically, bed rest until surgery and 1-2 weeks after. I said I will do anything to get the best outcome, I am fortunate enough to have retired parents who can be with our children to heal properly and allow my husband to work. Sorry for the short story wanted you to understand the whole picture so you can answer to the best of your knowledge.
I am doing everything he said my open wound looks great am making progress and still healing. Would there be any reason that I would arrive Friday for surgery that he deny the procedure after agreeing to the plan, and following to a t showing progress? What would the likely reason be if he did? Little nervous.
Also any suggestions besides what I am doing to speed up recovery?
Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 16 days
Conditions: R EHL laceration repair
10 Answers
postoperative recovery, besides doing what your surgeon recommended, increasing your intake of protein & Vitamin D has been shown to shorten healing time. The best of luck to you!
Good luck.
Second in regard to open wounds. I would say it’s more important to fix the tendon and heal the wound later. As long as the wound is clean and not contaminated you can go to the OR. Just go on antibiotics and at least cover the tendon after surgery skin wounds can heal.
I’m sorry you went through this hopefully your tendon can be stitched and you will be back to normal.