Rheumatologist Questions Swelling

Swelling nodes, what is it?

As a kid I injured my right chest falling on a slippery log. My left hip was hurt on a carnival ride, and my chin and neck area I was punched. I had a non malignant tumor removed along with the saliva gland and some odd looking nodes. The swelling and fevers are on and off. I have fibromyalgia and sjogrens syndromes most all my life. Had a rheumatologist until moving in 2016. Nothing was done for the swelling. I went to an ENT to diagnose TMJ. Had that fixed non surgically. I thought it was all tied into the Sjogrens. Was told by my current doctor that it is not. I'll be seeing a rheumatologist as soon as possible to get confirmed diagnoses. My left wrist swells sometimes also. It seems like every little thing I did swells. my feet and ankles also swell. Any answers?

Female | 62 years old
Complaint duration: years
Medications: tizanadine, zanax, anti-depressant,
Conditions: Fibro, sjogrens, osteo, degenertive dick disease, asthma,

1 Answer

It seems like you have an ottoman condition that is causing all your symptoms. It is important to treat the gut since most of them system is found in the gut. A proper autoimmune diet is very essential for this condition.