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This morning I woke up with a sharp pain in my chest whenever I breathe in too deep?

So this morning when I woke up I had also developed a course cough. When I cough phlegm cones out from my throat as well. My throat has been filled with phlegm for at least a couple of months now but it seems it's gotten worse - due to the pain I've been taking short quick breathes - I don't know what's wrong and I really want an answer - I'm thinking about getting my mom to have me get a covid test just in case.

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: Phlegm for months - the chest pain and cough for a couple of days
Conditions: Osgood schlatters - PTSD - Depression - Anxiety -

5 Answers

The most common respiratory symptom in those under the age of 18 yrs is chest pain. You need to see a doctor to get a clear answer to this problem. You may have a mild case of asthma as long as you have a healthy heart but make sure it is not COVID.
I also recommend getting checked/examined by a physician. Someone has to listen to your lungs and make sure you don't have an infection that will need to be treated with an antibiotic.
Sharp chest pain with breathing is called pleuritc. This is because this is the kind of pain that happens with pleuritis, sometimes also called pleurisy, which is inflammation of the pleura. The pleura is a thin, snotty membrane that covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity. It allows the lungs to move freely with breathing. The ending -itis means inflammation
(arthritis, dermatitis, bronchitis, etc.). When it becomes inflamed, usually due to a viral infection, the pleural membranes don't glide like they should and can stick together, causing pain when they move against each other. However, pleuritis is not the only cause of sharp chest pain with breathing. Pleuritic is just the term we doctors use to describe this sort of pain. In your case, with phlegm that has been present for a long time, I wonder about asthma or other chronic (longstanding) lung disease. Getting a COVID-19 test is reasonable, but it is important to remember that these tests can have a lot of false positive results, depending upon the type of test used. That means that it might say you have the infection, but actually have something else going on. The good news is that pleuritic chest pain, while often shocking and uncomfortable, is often due to problems that are not serious. This isn't always true so it's best to be evaluated by a health professional before simply concluding that it is OK.
You definitely need to seek medical help ASAP, what you are experiencing need to be evaluated As soon as possible and including a COVID test
Need to get checked out at a hospital asap.