Dentist Questions Dentist

Tooth infection that won't go away?

I developed a tooth infection 8 days ago from wisdom tooth roots that were left after an extraction a year ago. I started taking clindamycin for 4 days but they weren't working the infection got worse swelled and I started bleeding from the abscess and through my nose and mouth as well as leaking fluid, went to a dentist after seeing a physician he changed my prescription to azithromicen and I've been on this for 4 days now the swelling is gone but the pain won't go away and I am actually tasting the infection and smelling it through my sinuses and wondering if I should go to an emergency room. I was only given an 8 day prescription and only 3 left. I've lost 7 lbs and been unable to sleep.

Male | 53 years old
Complaint duration: 8days
Conditions: allergy to penicillin

7 Answers

You need to be seen by an oral surgeon as soon as possible. Be sedated and have the root remove. Once an infection sets up around a root tip that has been left, there is no other fix.
I would contact an oral surgeon to have the remaining root removed.
I highly recommend you go to an oral surgeon to evaluate the cause. Usually issues like this don’t pop up a year after an extraction, there could be other reasons so this should be evaluated.
Go to the dentist who extracted your tooth.
Get a second opinion at a different oral surgeon.
Go see an oral surgeon, preferably the one who did the extraction (if it was an oral surgeon.) They can resolve the problem. 
Yes. I would recommend that you go to the emergency.