OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Treating a yeast infection?

I have a yeast infection, I have called my doctor and they recommended a pill and no sex for several days. I am also a type two diabetic and it doesn’t seem to be all I need to completely heal my problem. I feel like I need more help.

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 7/11 /20
Medications: Asthma and chronic sinus
Conditions: Type two Diabetic,High blood pressure and Asthma and chronic sinus

5 Answers

Take difucan prn should have refills and get diabetes under control.
This can be treated with 1 pill only. Subsequent dosing might be necessary in your situation (diabetes).

Doug Young, MD
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As a diabetic you are completely correct; what you have to know are a few more facts: 1) What is your short term and long term sugar control? If you had a spike in blood glucose, that alone can trigger a yeast infection so know your glucose numbers. 2) Are you taking hormone replacements? If you are not, then you should explore taking either a vaginal cream which is perfectly safe in diabetics and is even prescribed safely for patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. If you are medically able to take topical or oral bio-identical hormones, then I highly encourage you to get your hormone bloodwork done and ask your doctor to prescribe hormones for you; this will give you better blood supply per square inch to your entire vaginal vault which helps rebalance your vaginal fluid pH or acid base balance and you will have a DECREASE in yeast infections! If your doctor is not comfortable doing your hormone labs, then get my book on Amazon: Full Bloom; Perimenopause, Menopause, Post Menopause and Beyond which may answer many more questions that you may have.
Please make an appointment to meet your Dr. and discuss further.
Stay Healthy!
You are correct! What are your blood sugars? You probably need to get them under control. Start on a Probiotic daily. Cut out the carbohydrates in your diet. You may need to have a stronger anti fungal like Ketoconazole, but you need to have a test of your liver function first. Have a TeleHealth visit with your doctor or make an appointment.


Dr. Janice Alexander, RN, MD