Pathologist Questions Pathologist

What blood types are the hardest to get a transfusion for?

I am blood type AB+ and I need blood transfusions throughout the year. I want to know what blood types are the hardest to get a transfusion for?

3 Answers

The AB negative blood is the rarest of the eight blood types. The blood types and commonness are as follow: O+ 35%; O- 13%; A+ 30%; A- 8%; B+ 8%; B- 2%; AB+ 2%; AB- 1%. People with AB blood are Universal recipients because they have no antibodies to A, B or Rh in their blood. Thank you.
Type AB is considered the universal recipient, so you are good as long as you don't possess any unusual antibodies. I would say Type B would be the most difficult for receiving transfusions since B type is unusual. B type folks could receive O blood if no B is available.

RB Thomas, MD
AB negative and O negative are some of the least common blood types and therefore less people with these blood types donate blood.