Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What can I do about discomfort in my back?

My back hurts and it is very hard for me to stand for a long time. What can I do about discomfort in my back? Can a chiropractor help me?

11 Answers

You should definitely seek Chiropractic care for that.
Your case sounds like it would be a perfect case for a chiropractor. Chiropractors are known for treating musculoskeletal aches and pains especially lower backs.
A chiropractor can help after a full examination to see if your issue is joint related. Was there trauma involved ? Try talking to a chiropractor near you or your primary care physician if you have one to investigate it
I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with back pain that prevents you from standing. A Chiropractor would be a great option for you, as they should be able to help with this issue.
Definitely need to get a thorough exam with a chiropractor.
The very best treatment for any back condition is good Chiropractic and therapy, with over 40 years of experience call me 239-592-7767
I am sorry to hear that you have been in pain when standing in one place for too long.
To start, I would have you do a history of injuries, knee, foot, or hip problem's. I would examine you with much focus on your posture, your gait, ( they way you walk ) check your arches of your feet, and than do a R.O.M. test to see if there is a decrease and in what position that may decrease or increase your pain.
I would check to see if you had an anatomical "Short Leg Syndrome ".
One leg shorter than 4-5 m.m.'s. I have found in the past 30 year's of practice, that when most people experience pain primarily when standing in one place too long, a heel lift which increases a Short Leg Syndrome, can help tremendously!
An X-Ray in the standing position of the Back view of the Lumbo-Sacral Spine with both hip joints included, it can be measured precisely if there is a short leg, or any other reason why you are having your pain. To see is to know. Not to see is a guess. I would not want someone guessing about my spine..
I can only say, without examing you, that you would be making a good choice by coming into the office to have a Comprehensive Exam with Radiographs. If I found anything that was out of the scope of Chiropractic, I would certainly refer you to the proper Specialist deemed necessary.
Thank you for your question. I hope my advice will help you. God Bless, Dr.Richard S Feher, D.C.
Depends on the cause. Yes a chiropractor can help, simple back stretching my help also they can be pulled up from google. Try seeing a chiropractor if you don't get any relief whatsoever , imaging may be required.
Definitely see a reputable Chiropractor
The simple answer is yes of course I can but we need to do examination and possibly x-rays to find out why your back is hurting.

Dr Adam Hutton, DC, DAAMLP
Biomechanical Spine Specialist
Chiropractic care is a good place to start getting relief.