Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What can you not do with tennis elbow?

I am a 20 year old female. I have tennis elbow. What can you not do with tennis elbow?

10 Answers

There are several things that can be done for tennis elbow. Please check out my posts on social media regarding the anti-inflammatory diet. There are exercises which can help. Some people have found relief with applying an elbow band . Best to you. If you have further questions or would like to work with me check out my social media posts or website: www.chronicpainrescue.com
At your age could be self limited. Avoid using the arm excessively. Computer use may worsen it. Using hand for maneuvers like pulling the trigger may worsen the pain. Look up on You tube exercises to improve it.
You need to let pain be your guide. Tennis elbow is a tendonitis ( now called tendinosis). Avoiding painful activities and tennis elbow rehab cure almost all
Tennis elbow is commonly seen with several different activities including tennis, and certain types of weightlifting. Pushing exercises like benchpress often cause discomfort. Overhand swinging like tennis usually caused discomfort as well.
Anything that causes pain is probably something you should not be doing. Bracing, physical therapy and then sometimes injections with regenerative medicine can be very helpful for tennis elbow.
You can do whatever is comfortable. If you have not been treated for this you need active treatment to resolve this. Long-term delays in treating this can lead To Surgery.
Lifting, repetitive finger moving or wrist movements. Can use wrist brace or elbow brace.
With tennis elbow, you want to avoid repetitious activities with that elbow that cause pain. Tennis elbow is caused by micro-injuries. Avoiding twisting and turning activities with that arm as well as avoidance of lifting with palms down will help.
Primarily repetitive lifting with your palm down or repetitive gripping and twisting with the forearm and hand on the same side. Typically, this is a self limited condition.

Good luck,

Dr. L
There is nothing you cannot do if your body and mind will allow it. With that said, listen to how your body responds to what is happening. For instance during the acute flare up you may want to limit activities requiring any overhead throwing type activities such as casting a fishing rod, throwing a ball, playing tennis etc, etc.I would recommend a consult with a local PT to address your specific case and get you headed in the right direction.