Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What causes pain in my feet?

I have feet pain and want to treat it. What causes pain in my feet?

6 Answers

Injury, shoe gear, excessive standing, gait imbalance, over pronation
Any number of things from acute trauma, neuropathy, abnormal biomechanics, infection Get Outlook for iOS<>
There could be any number of reasons you are having pain in your feet. It depends on where it is located on your foot. If this pain has been present for a month or longer, I would recommend seeing your local podiatrist.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for diagnosis, evaluation and treatment options
Need more info
There are alot of structures and bones and tendons and ligaments that causes foot pain, so in order to know this, you need to be seen in an office setting.