Doctor Questions Doctor

ā€œWhat do I have on my leg?ā€

I had a like boil pop up on almost my shin bone on my left leg the day after Thanksgiving. It got so big and painful it finally drained but not it's black in the hole where it is and it itches and is painful around it looks like a rash my leg will swell sometimes and it's red and purple. Sometimes both my feet are scaly and red around the bottom they itch and my toenails are horrible.

Female | 43 years old
Medications: meclizing 25mg at night citalpram 20mg 1 at night trazodone 50mg at night
Conditions: depression hearing loss both ears vertigo

7 Answers

You need to have a podiatrist assess your problem and may require a biopsy.
It seems like the symptoms consistent of athletes foot and fungus.
Need a dermatologist to evaluate
You need to visit a local dermatologist asap to determine if you have a deep bacterial and/or fungal infection so treatment can be initiated.
I cannot see what you are talking about with the 'hole' or 'boil' on your leg. But the most common cause of such a thing would be an abscess or infection. Furthermore, a long-standing open wound on the leg will predispose you to infection. An infection can kill you if it enters the bloodstream. An infection can lead to amputation of your leg. I would highly recommend you seek medical attention ASAP.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist (podiatrist) and your primary care physician for diagnosis and treatment options.
Sounds like you could have some issues with your circulation. Iā€™d see your primary care physician soon.