Dentist Questions Periodontist

What helps with bleeding gums?

My gums are bleeding. What helps with bleeding gums?

4 Answers

Dental cleaning with hygienist or dentist , with daily floss for at least 2 weeks most likely will solve the bleeding.
depends on what is causing the bleeding, most of the time it is a good cleaning with gum disease, treatments for that depends how bad, bone loss or not, what kind of Treatment needed starts with a Exam with needed X-Rays.
At home tips and tricks to reduce bleeding in the gums include brushing twice per day for 2 minutes with a soft toothbrush, flossing once per day and using a mouthwash. If bleeding does not stop after 1-2 weeks, you should visit your dentist or periodontist for a thorough evaluation and X-rays.
Make sure you brush and floss. Schedule a dental cleaning at an office where they scale the teeth not just simply polish. The bleeding gums is gingivitis which is inflammation of the gums. This is caused by dental plaque and tartar which sits on the teeth around the gums. It has to be mechanically removed by brushing and flossing and a professional dental scaling ( dental scraping). Invest in a Philips sonicare toothbrush which will remove 30 % more plaque than a regular tooth brush and make sure you brush around the gum lines. A great toothpaste to treat gingivitis is tea tree therapy which can be found at sprouts supermarket.