Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What is a high depression score?

I am a 23 year old female. I want to know what is a high depression score?

3 Answers

There are many approaches in trying to understand the depth or intensity of depression. Often there are scales that certain people use. Since there are many different measurement tools, it’s hard to say what number or amount implies high depression. However, if an individual is feeling depressed, it is so very important to get help from a mental health professional someone can overcome depression and enjoy more of life as soon as possible.

Lance Steinberg MD, Inc.
Assistant Clinical Professor
UCLA (Geffen) NPI
In PHQ-9, if score is 20 or higher considered as severe depression.
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A "high depression score" typically refers to the result of a standardized clinical test, such as the Hamilton Depression Scale or the Beck Depression Inventory. A high number usually suggests that the answers entered in response to the queries of the test questionnaire are consistent with more severe depression. It is important to stress that, clinically, scores of rating instruments only make sense if they are accompanied by a clinical assessment of the person's mood.