Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What is causing this rectal anomaly?

I have 2 bumps (spots) along the side of my rectum. They look like lentils in size and are pink in color. The first one appeared in August of this year. I tried to squeeze it & it grew in size & became hard. It drained. There was no pus only clear or bloody discharge. I haven't had any more appear or had any drainage. I do have genital herpes. I was diagnosed in the 1980s but was not treated until then. I do have a prescription for Acyclovir which I've taken on and off. The last time was 2017. I have never had this kind of eruption when I've had an outbreak. This is totally new and kind of scary.

Female | 68 years old
Medications: Citalopram 40mg, Trazodone 50mg: both once a day
Conditions: Clinical depression, chronic sinusitis, allergies, IBS-D, Genital Herpes

1 Answer

You need to have these lesions examined by a physician to make a diagnosis. I cannot venture a specific guess based on a description alone.
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