Allergist and Immunologist | Allergy & Immunology Questions Doctor

What is happening to me?

My stomach and intestines below my stomach down to my groin are full of a mucus-like substance. The same mucus substance drains from my two front teeth mostly, and
I think pours down my esophagus continually. This has been happening for several months now and l can't go #2 in the bathroom. I have a loss of appetite and gained weight. I don't know how much weight. My bedsheets and clothes are also irritating my skin.

It burns my esophagus to swallow a very warm food or drink. The left side of my face is swollen and broken out in a rash. I think from my clothes or sheets. My hands won't feel clean, they are always "fuzzy" and creamy feeling. My eyes are always burning. And fuzzy, foamy stuff is coming out of my eyes and eyelashes all over my face. I am also losing hair and eyelashes.

Female | 65 years old
Complaint duration: 14 days, 3 months
Conditions: Copd, cancer suspect, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, 2 lordosis,etc

2 Answers

Discuss with your physician please, since this site is not meant for providing online diagnosis or treatment
There is more going on than just a GI problem. I'm not sure what you mean by a mucus-like substance. How do you know that there is mucus if you cannot see your intestines? Is there mucus in the stool? You need to have a thorough history and examination by a good general physician. Then can decide if you need to see a GI doctor.