Adolescent Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What is wrong with me?

For the past 6 years, I have been sleeping a lot. As the years went by it got worst, I sleep all the time, it's annoying because I have things to do but my sleeping takes over, I have zero control of it and I feel very tired. I feel like my chest is closing in, like if I can't breathe. My entire body feels like it's about to dropdown. Also every time I laugh or in the middle of a conversation I feel a sudden weakness and my body literally drops for itself, this is something recent of this year. If I don't force myself with the little force over my own body I would sleep the whole day. I cannot function properly, it's uncomfortable and very worrying. Please help me. Thank You!

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 6 years

3 Answers

Your symptoms are very typical for narcolepsy and this definitely needs evaluation with a sleep specialist.
There can be a lot of causes. You have to see primary care and at least start with the basic blood work.
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