Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

What’s the issue going on with my arm?

When I’m lying in bed with my left arm under the pillow, being on my left side/stomach, my arm hurts when having laid on it for too long. My elbow is slightly bent. Sometimes the pain/ache can go down into my forearm, sometimes. But it’s my upper arm being affected. I don’t have any tingling or numbness. Well sometimes it may feel numb. But it feels weak sometimes. Especially the first joints of my fingers. Why is my arm hurt so much while lying on it?

Complaint duration: 30

3 Answers

Do you lift heavy moderate/weights with your left arm (at job or in the gym)?. Do your symptoms increase when aleep or the left side but your are pain free when wresting on the right (normal). side?. If so, the most likely Dx is a supraspinous tedinopathy (tendinitis anf/or tendinosis). An echographic study would help to establish a definite diagnosis
You may be putting pressure or stretching some of the nerves that come out of your cervical spine and go through your shoulder and down the arm. Try not to lie too much on that side, and if the issue continues, then see your primary or Neurologist to get a more detailed history, examination ,and testing.

Dr. F.
This may be more related to your shoulder. When we raise our arm, the humerus bone should rotate under the clavicle bone and allow the full motion of the shoulder. The rotator cuff tendon is what makes this motion occur. When we raise our arms over our head while being supported (sleeping) the rotator cuff can become pressured and inflammation may occur. Rotator cuff exercises may improve this problem. Sleeping with your arm at your side also may make this better, but it can be difficult to change sleeping habits.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD