Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

What sedation is selected for hand joint surgery?

I will have hand joint surgery. What sedation is selected for hand joint surgery?

4 Answers

After discussion with your surgeon and anesthesia provider your choices are general anesthesia(GA), GA + infiltration of local anesthetic (LA) by the surgeon, injection of LA close to the nerves supplying the joint(regional anesthesia-RA) with either GA or IV sedation(MAC=monitored anesthesia care), or TIVA=total IV anesthesia. As you see quite a few possibilities, the choice is yours and your surgeon’s preference. Thank you for your question. Good day.
Perhaps midazolam, fentanyl, PROPOFOL and digital nerve block with local anesthetic....or general anesthesia.
MAC with nerve block
Local and conscious sedation or spinal block.