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What to avoid with low blood pressure?

I was diagnosed with low blood pressure. What to avoid with low blood pressure?

1 Answer

The most effective thing to do to help elevate your blood pressure is to remain hydrated with water. Essentially, you need 8 to 10 cups of water, 8 ounces per cup. 240 ounces per cup, 1920 to 2400 ounces daily, roughly a 2 liter bottle of water. Water is your friend. Set a timer to remind yourself to drink. You can try sports drinks, infused water, coconut water, watermelon water and milkdThis may not totally eliminate your low blood pressure. Keep in mind that athletes can have a low heart rate and a low blood pressure. So, if you are active that has a correlation to the diagnosis.. Be aware family history can play a part as well in your diagnosis just like high blood pressure can. Have you had a 2 D echo to see if your heart has any issues and is pumping effectively? If the pressure remains above 90/60 which are the low guidelines, you may still be diagnosed low, but as long as your pressure remains 90/60, your perfusion should be okay.
You can try a caffeinated beverage with your meals. Eat more salt. Get good sleep with your head elevated 20 to 30 degrees. 2 pillows will do. Wear compression stockings. Check your medications to make sure they are not the culprit. Reduce alcohol intake. Change positions slowly, lying to sitting, sitting to stand to allow your body to adjust.