Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

When can I walk after hammertoe surgery?

I will have hammertoe surgery. When can I walk after hammertoe surgery?

9 Answers

In most cases, yes! Patients are typically walking immediately after surgery as tolerated.
Depends upon what was done and quality of bone and status of other comorbidities.
Depending on the procedure selected, most patients are able to resume some walking within a few days with a surgical or post-operative shoe. In my practice, most my patients are placed back into sneaker after 3 weeks, and a normal shoe within 5-8 weeks after surgery.
Well that depends on your surgeons preference and what type of procedures you are having done. You may be in a surgical shoe or a CAM Walker device and should be able to walk after hammertoe surgery and those devices. Bone heals in 6 to 8 weeks but in some individuals can take as long as 12 weeks to heal. I tell my patients to give me 3 full months. Good luck.
After surgery, If it is just hammertoe surgery , immediate weightbearing is encouraged in a rigid sole shoe after surgery .
Dr. Kebelo , https://footankleandlowerleg.com/

In my office, patients having hammertoe surgery walk on the same day. how fast a patient walks depends on the techniques used to fix the hammertoe. in my office, we use a minimally invasive approach: surgery is done in the office, under local anesthesia only, no hardware is used, and patients walk out of the office on the same day.
You need to ask your surgeon.
Depending on procedure performed, you may be able to walk the next day. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation
Yes, but only for brief periods of time for the first 2-3 weeks after surgery. You should be given a surgical shoe to bear weight on, but you should mostly be resting and elevating