Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

Why am I waking up with hip pain?

I am a 33 year old male and I am waking up with hip pain. Why am I waking up with hip pain?

1 Answer

Yesterday, my husband woke up with hip pain. It was anterior, and he noticed it most when he was walking. I pointed out that he had been sitting at the computer for most of 2 days. It seemed to be muscle tightness. I showed him how to stretch it out. No more mention of it today. Anytime a body part is in one position (especially not the one it was made for, which in the case of joints, is movement), it can cause a problem with muscle spasm. The muscle may have been working to help maintain the position. Muscles always do better when stretched. He is often surprised at how good stretching feels, and/or the body part feels after stretching.

Another common cause of hip pain is trochanteric bursitis. This is the one where it hurts to lay on your side. The bursa, or fluid-filled cushion that cushions the lateral hip-bone, can get inflamed. This responds very well to steroid injections, which are easy and not painful, if icing, stretches, ibuprofen or other NSAIDS (naproxen, etc.) and not laying on that side don't make it go away.