Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Numb foot

Why do I find it hard to flex my toes?

I am having a lot of difficulty in flexing my toes. I have no idea what could have caused this stiffness. What could it be?

17 Answers

Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal drtotten.com for an appointment.
Thank you
you may have a fixed hammertoe deformity in a cavus or flat foot

It's best to be evaluated by a specialist
The most common problem would be some type (there are several) arthritis. It all depends on your age, activity level, family history, etc. Consult with a Board Certified Podiatric Surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgeons.
Depends, stiffness can mean arthritis is starting in the toe joints and so they just don’t move as well. Is there a kind of cocked up look to the toe? If yes, then that is a hammertoe. Only way to fix is surgery.

Missy Journot
Need an eval.
I am unsure without an exam or a thorough history. I would advise picking up marbles with your toes and scrunching a hand towel beneath your toes. This will help strengthen the small muscles.
Toes are attached to metatarsal bones together they form the METATARSAL PHALANGEAL JOINT. These joint are very flexible in the foot. However they do develop arthritis and other conditions as all joint do.
Stiffness is usually associated with some type of inflammatory process involving the joints of the toes. This may include mechanical trauma such as tight shoes or arthritis in general which will happen to most people as we get older. Stiffness can also result from other conditions such as diabetes where muscles and tendons lose strength and function and we develop stiffness due to lack of movemebt
You might have hammer toes or contractures of the joints in the toes or possibly arthritis.
In some cases loss of intrinsic(foot) muscles. In some cases arthritic conditions. Sometimes just tightness in muscles
If you’re diabetic you could be suffering from symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
It is really difficult to answer without an examination. Anything from arthritis to muscle or nerve problems.
A number of things could cause this type of problem; anything from excessive swelling in the foot, leg and ankle, to neurologic issues to tendonitis. You need to have this examined more thoroughly to find out what is wrong
Stiffness of the toes can be due to several reasons, such as arthritis. I recommend you make an appointment to be evaluated by a Foot and Ankle Surgeon (podiatrist) so a diagnosis can be made and the appropriate treatment can be initiated
If this is a new problem, it could be due to swelling or inflammation in the foot. Ice and rest should help, but you should see your doc soon to see why this has developed and what options you have.
This is a difficult question without knowing your specific history. Some people do just lose flexibility of the toes over time do to arthritic changes and/or toe deformity, i.e., hammertoes or claw toes. Other cases may be more complex and involve nerve issues. If this is a sudden onset problem it is probably more worrisome than if it has occurred gradually. If this problem has come on suddenly or is accompanied by spasm, numbness, or pain, it should be evaluated immediately.