Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Podiatry

Why does my Achilles tendon hurt?

Why does my Achilles tendon hurt?

Female | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 5/2/0

6 Answers

Get insoles and go from there drjaysreleif.com
Hi, there are many reason why the achilles tendon and surrounding area has pain. tendonitis, nerve irritation, inflammation of ankle joint, flat feet, tight tendon/ligament, bone spur etc...therefore, I recommend that you seek a local podiatrist consultation for evaluation.
You more than likely suffer from severs disease. It's an inflammation of the growth plates in the heel. Try a set of heel lifts. One in each shoe and do gastroc stretches. Read about severs disease on line.
The achilles tendon is a strong tendon in the back of the leg. typically there is no reason why it hurts on a young person like you. the most common reason for pain at your age could be a low grade repetitive injury like sports, improper shoes, sprains, flat feet, and other less frequent causes. no pain is normal in children and teens and it must be investigated asap if the pain does not resolve in few days. have your parents take you to the doctor's office to have it evaluated. thank you for your question.
Some of the main causes of achilles pain can be from overuse or a short Achilles tendon. The best treatment is stretching the Achilles tendon. Make sure you inform your parents of the discomfort in your achilles. If after doing the stretches you continue to have discomfort, follow up with your local podiatrist or orthopedic physician.
Many reasons. If no history of trauma then probably transition. Stay with calf stretching, heel lifts and ice for 20 minutes per day. Of no improvement seek professional care. Can take 3-6 months for recovery.