Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Why does my heart beat so fast after I eat meat?

My heart beats very fast after I eat meat. Is it normal? What could be the cause?

2 Answers

Dear patient:

You asked, "Why does my heart beat so fast after I eat meat?" The quick answer is that you probably are not digesting proteins well.

Investigating why you may not be digesting proteins is where the challenge begins. There are two main reasons why you wouldn't digest proteins well, if your stomach is not making enough acid, or if your pancreas is not making enough digestive enzyme. There are conditions that can cause both of the above. One common reason for lack of stomach acid is acid blocking medications. Less frequent, but also common is a stomach infection with H. pylori, or something called atrophic gastritis. You might want to see your doctor and/or a gastroenterologist about this. If you don't get answers, look for an integrative or functional medicine doctor. You will need food antibody testing, which should include Celiac disease testing.

As you're probably becoming aware, the problem you have cannot be solved without seeing a doctor, and you may have to see a few before you find your answer. Don't delay. Get it checked out.
That could mean that you are having trouble digesting the meat. Or you have a food sensitivity to the meat or another ingredient in the meal. Food journaling can help you to determine if there are specific foods that cause your heart rate to increase.
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