Endocronologist (Pediatric) Questions Puberty

Why haven't my muscles developed during puberty?

I am 17 years old and I must note that I have gynecomastia and am above average for height because of a growth spurt during puberty. I feel that during puberty, my muscles never developed as I still have narrow shoulders and wide hips that make my physique look more similar to that of a child than a man. I notice that other teenagers my age have much broader shoulders and more developed muscles than I do. Is there a name for the condition I have and is there any way to treat it? My gynecomastia shows that I have had hormone imbalances in the past so could this relate to my underdeveloped muscles?

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Conditions: gynecomastia

2 Answers

I hear you, You should be seen by an endocrinologist as soon as possible
You ought to consult with your medical doctor and consider referral to an endocrinologist. There is a condition called Klinefelter Syndrome which may explain the gynecomastia and the lack of muscle development since it includes low testosterone production and can be easily corrected if identified. There are also other conditions that may cause low testosterone and higher estrogen levels such as exposure to certain plastic and other chemicals, soy sensitivity etc. and these and conditions affecting the hypothalamus and pituitary gland should also be considered. Some blood hormone levels, chemistry tests and genetic testing may explain what you are describing.
also should be evaluated.