Dentist Questions Dentist

Why is pulpitis more painful at night?

I have pulpitis and it hurts bad at night. What should I do? Should I see a dentist?

4 Answers

Absolutely! The tooth will need a root canal or extraction if the pulpitis isn't reversible. Your dentist will be able to diagnose and treat you accordingly.
Many possibilities. Here are some. Probably because you lay down and more blood is now going to your head increasing pressure, or, you are lying awake, trying to go to sleep and your mind is clear so the tooth is now more noticeable where as before, you had other things on your mind, or the infection is worsening day by day, or you need the root canal and the tooth is reminding you. See your endodontist ASAP.
Good Luck.
It hurts more at night because you might be grinding your teeth during sleep. Also, there is less distractions at night so you are more aware of your tooth.
You should see your dentist ASAP.
Most people are less active at night and have more opportunity to notice tooth pain. You should visit your dentist to figure out why the tooth hurts.