Dentist Questions Dentist

Will an x-ray show dental disease?

I am a 29 year old male. I wonder if an x-ray will show dental disease?

7 Answers

Not everything that's why clinical exam is needed along with X-rays

X-rays will show hard, mineralized matter ... so teeth and bone show up on X-rays. Dental disease diagnosed with X-rays will include cavities and bone loss. There are different X-rays which concentrate on different aspects - bitewings are for inter proximal cavities and possibly site specific bone level assessment, periapical look for infections and a panoramic will give a full picture to look at overall bone and and pathologies. A cbct (cone beam CT scan) will give us a 3-D view and is highly detailed. Have your dentist discuss which X-ray you will need. Hope this helps.
Yes, X-rays show both tooth disease and bone disease around teeth.
Yes, definitely. An X-ray can show cavities and periodontal disease and cysts, etc.
Yes, absolutely. Cavities between the teeth can only be detected by X-rays. Gum disease, bone loss, cysts and cancer are often only visible on X-rays. Small problems often don’t hurt. It is only when they become large problems that patients are aware of them. It makes a lot of sense to air the X-rays your dentist recommends.

Drew Shulman, DMD, MAGD
Yes, x-rays are necessary for a complete and proper dental examination.
X-rays will show most dental disease including cavities and bone loss. I recommend that you should have periodic X-rays.