Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Diabetes

Am I diabetic?

If I don’t eat for about 1 hour, I start shaking and sweating. I would feel like I am going to pass out. My heart starts beating very fast, and after this I eat and eat but I don’t feel full. I feel light headed most of the day and see lights in front of my eyes. I am always going to the loo to urinate and I’m constantly thirsty. People have started to notice that I am looking slimmer, but I’m always eating because if I don’t, then I start shaking, Could I be diabetic? I'm also always tired.

Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Medications: Larsatin for high blood pressure
Conditions: High blood pressure

2 Answers

You must already have a doctor since you are taking blood pressure medications. Therefore, your doctor can do the appropriate tests to determine if you have diabetes.
YES, you could have diabetes. Here are some of the symptoms 1) Polyphagia- excess hunger yet with weight loss 2) polydipsia- increased thirst 3) polyuria- increased urination. When you started the description of your problem, you presented symptoms of an insulin-producing tumor, then the description seemed more like diabetes. PLEASE see your DR. right away. He can determine the cause of the problem usually from office tests. If you have an insulin-producing tumor, there are medicines that can treat this or surgery can remove the tumor. If it is diabetes, it needs treatment right away. There are many treatments for diabetes and it can be controlled. To put off getting treatment can cause many complications or even death. So, SEE A DR. RIGHT AWAY.