Doctor Questions Doctor

Am I wrong for filing a grievance against my doctor?

I have had the same doctor for 28 years. Lately, she's been unable to listen to me or know what's what. Her front desk clerk was rude and they fired me. My question is, am I wrong to file against her? Where can a get another good doctor near me?

Female | 49 years old
Complaint duration: 2
Medications: Klondopin. Cymbalta. Xantac. Lyrica
Conditions: Bipolar, Fybromalgia, diverticulitis, PTSD

1 Answer

In matters like these, without knowing all the facts, it is difficult to give you a definitive opinion. Nevertheless, according to your e-mail, you have had the same physician for 28 years, and even there is was a falling out, unless there was something egregious, it is best to simply move on.

In regards to finding another physician, the first step is finding physicians on your insurance plan (assuming you have insurance.) Once you have choices, it is best to try to get some recommendations, which isn’t always easy. The best recommendations are generally from friends or other physicians. Online ratings are occasionally useful, but I generally recommend taking them with a grain of salt, as they are not a representative sample.