Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Are heart conditions genetically passed on?

I am a 31 year old female. I want to know are heart conditions genetically passed on?

2 Answers

Some heart conditions are directly inherited while others are influenced by one's life style (i.e., smoking, diet, exercise, stress, etc.). And still others are a combination. In other words, there may be genetic factors that make you MORE susceptible to your lifestyle or environmental factors or diet. Your question is too general to give a single answer. It would be more meaningful if you were to inquire about a specific diagnosis or medical problem.
Some but not all heart disease is genetic. In your age group, if you are concerned, first question to ask is there a history of heart disease in your immediate family at a young age? Channelopathies, ( rhythm disorders), cardiomyopathies ( leading to heart failure) and familial hyperlipidemia( high cholesterol) are three key areas that you should ask your family about. If so, your doctor can review your EKG, and lipid profile and assess whether or not genetic testing is appropriate for you.