Dermatologist Questions White bumps

Are whiteheads around lips common?

I get the whiteheads around my lips often. Is it normal to get whiteheads around your lips? What should I do for them?

5 Answers

Yes it's common. You can get a mild facial cleanser to help prevent them. It comes from the sebaceous gland, this gland produces oil in our skin. Some people like myself have oily skin in the face. You may have to clean your face 2 times a day until the product gets in there.
Might be a virus. Go see a derm specialist.
White heads around the lips may be Milia which are keratin or oil filled spots. I would really have to see your lips to give you a more precise differential diagnosis. Also, some lip spots that may be thought to be black heads are Fordyce spots. Do a Google imagine search.
I hope this helps.

Here to serve,

Dr. Rex
Whiteheads can occur anywhere on the face, including around the lips. Sometimes what look like whiteheads could be “milia” or “tiny cysts” or even sebaceous hyperplasia (overgrowth of oil-producing glands). I would recommend an evaluation by a dermatologist to determine the exact etiology and decide a course of action.
Yes, they are common especially if you use too occlusive of lip products. They can be things other than white heads though and so you should probably see a Dermatologist to make sure that is what they are. Thank you for the question.