Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Vertigo

Does vertigo come with any symptoms or can I have a vertigo attack anytime?

I have recently been diagnosed with vertigo when I had my first vertigo attack. Are there any symptoms that I should watch out for?

7 Answers

Keep in mind that vertigo is a symptom. What I mean is that there is an underlying cause. That cause should be sought as treatment should be directed to the cause not the symptom.

Vertigo or sensation of a spinning sensation (either yourself or the room), can occur by itself or with other symptoms such as nausea, ear fullness, ear ringing, and hearing change.

Dr. D
Acute vertigo is often the result of an inner ear infection and is a self-limited problem. It is often associated with nausea, vomiting. Signs of a more serious problem would be a headache, double vision, burred vision, or loss of vision. Involvement of other cranial nerves with hearing loss, facial pain, inability to talk or swallow might indicate serious disease and should prompt a visit to the ER.  

Can be any time
The most common presentation and form of vertigo is that of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo characterized by brief sensations of spinning which is induced by rapid motion of the head. These types are usually transient and may be helped with vestibular rehabilitation exercises and possible Epley type maneuvers.
Symptoms to be aware of include fluctuation of hearing associated with the dizzy episodes and ear fullness which may be a sign of endolymphatic hydrops.
Vertigo is an inner ear problem that comes from many things. Most commonly we see it as a result of sudden position change and that is called paroxysmal positional vertigo, which is effectively treated after diagnosis. The culprit is a misplaced otolith (small particle out of position in the semicircular canal).
Hearing loss, ringing in ears. If positional, try Epley maneuver.