Orthodontist Questions Orthodontist

Can an overbite be corrected in adults?

I am a 30 year old male and I have an overbite. Can an overbite be corrected in adults?

9 Answers

Yes, absolutely.
Much improved is a better answer than corrected because, without diagnostic information about the amount of discrepancy between the upper jaw and the lower jaw, there is no way of knowing the limits and boundaries of tooth movement. Severe overbites in adults can only be corrected ideally with jaw surgery.
Yes. Depending on the severity of the problem extraction of two upper teeth may b e needed. In the alternative, surgical advancement of the lower jaw can not only correct an overbite but also improve the esthetic balance of the face.
Absolutely! Obviously, details of your individual case are important, but as a concept, overbite can be corrected at any age.
Yes. (99.9% of the time. Rare occurrences may impede this.) You should have your jawline evaluated and your anterior deep bite.
Yes, overbites can be addressed in a non-growing adult patient. There are many ways to address overbites and each way depends heavily on the cause of the overbite. Sometimes it is as simple as tooth movement to correct the overbite which can be completed with braces or clear aligners. Other cases of overbite have jaw-size discrepancies which may require additional treatments such as tooth removal or jaw surgery. Those cases are more challenging, but very commonly completed. I recommend a complete exam with an orthodontist so you can learn about your overbite and the best available options for correction.
I wish you well in correction of your problem.
Absolutely an overbite can be corrected in adults. Because the propensity for relapse of a deep bite is about 80%, retention should be carefully planned to try and prevent its relapse.
Yes. A deep or severe overbite can be corrected in adults with orthodontic treatment. The nice thing about teeth is that their roots are set in a bony socket and connected to the bone with periodontal ligaments. Both pressure and tension from orthodontic forces, on the ligaments, are important in allowing the teeth to move through bone, through bone remodeling, no matter what age you may be. So, if you have a deep overbite or have an open bite (lack of an overbite) and are an adult, orthodontic treatment is a good treatment option to correct your bite.

Daniel A. Flores, DDS, MS