Optometrist Questions Optometrist

Can dry eyes cause blurry vision in one eye?

I am a 32 year old male. I want to know if dry eyes can cause blurry vision in one eye?

7 Answers

Most often both eyes but depending on your fan or air-conditioning it may be drying one eye more often.
Yes it can.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Yes. See your eye doctor. It may not be from dry eyes
Yes, dry eye can cause blurry vision in one eye worse than the other. The best thing to do is use artificial tears about 4 x day for 2 weeks, then drop them down to 2 x day and use them in both eyes.
Absolutely, yes. Cornea is the first refractive surface in the eye. Dryness could be more in one eye than the other. So, treat it with dry eye treatment.