Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Can you have a heart attack with normal blood pressure and pulse?

I am a 65 year old male. I wonder if you can have a heart attack with normal blood pressure and pulse?

3 Answers

Yes. Although some heart attacks can be associated with a low heart rate such as a heart attack on the bottom wall of the heart called an inferior myocardial infarction, and large heart attacks on the front wall of the heart called an anterior myocardial infarction will often result in increased heart rate, and a lower blood pressure, you definitely can have a heart attack while you were experiencing a normal heart rate and a normal blood pressure.
Yes, you can have a heart attack with normal blood pressure and pulse, however, if the heart attack involves enough heart muscle, the pulse and blood pressure will be affected. The more damage caused by the heart attack, the more abnormal the vital signs will be. That's why the goal of treatment is to stop the attack and protect as much muscle as possible. The sooner the treatment begins, the more favorable the outcome.
The simple answer to that is yes.