Otolaryngology Questions Respiratory Therapy

Can you have trouble speaking if you can't breathe out of your nose?

I am a 21 year old female. I have a deviated septum and can't breathe well from my nose. Can that affect my speech or pronouncing words?

6 Answers

It can affect your ability to produce nasal sounds.
It is possible it could have impacts on your resonance. Best to consult an otolaryngologist
Yes it can affect your resonance. We call it cul de sac resonance. Speech becomes somewhat hypo nasal. However, it will be a severe case. Most deviated septum cases will not affect speech but have other symptoms. However, any deviation in the nose or palate should be evaluated so it is not confused with velo pharyngeal incompetence or insufficiency. The average person confuses resonance and any difference in voice is often called “nasaly” when it is not always the case.
It can. The same way a stuffed up nose or cold can effect speech. Some sounds such as the /n, m/ and words with a 'ng' or 'nk' in them are produced by air coming through the nasal passage; if this is blocked in any way it could be difficult to say words with these sounds.

It should not affect your speech. If you have not seen an ENT, I would seek one out if you’re having trouble speaking.

Ali Matisse, MS CCC-SLP
It may or may not affect your speech pronunciations. You may find that it sounds like you have a cold, or sound “stuffy” this is called hyponasal speech. Or you may sound totally normal. I hope this helps!