Emergency Physician (Pediatric) Questions Fever

Is it safe to give my child a cold shower in case of a high grade fever?

I would like to know is it alright to give my child a cold shower in case he has a high grade fever that is just not going down?

11 Answers

Yes, but if you are unable to get a fever down that is 103.5 degrees or higher for more than 8 hours, it is advised that you go to the emergency room or see your pediatrician immediately. Cold compresses are also effective and tolerated more than cold showers.
Cold showers are not recommended. A tepid shower or sponging to gently bring the temperature down will not be a shock to the system
A cold shower would not cause any damage, but it would be very uncomfortable for the child and will not bring the fever down very much. It is better to give a lukewarm bath and at the same time give acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (such as Motrin). The medicines will help more than anything. Also dress the child lightly and do not cover with many blankets as it will be more difficult to lower the fever.
Use of a cold shower is not recommended under those circumstances. There is some benefit for a tepid shower that is warm but not hot and can provide a mild lowering to the temperature. The more important aspect is trying to assess why they have a high fever and the age of the child would be important.
No, it is better to give shower with tepid water - not so cold, not so hot.
Not a cold shower - that would just get him shivering and drive up the temp - shower or bathe in tepid/warm water.

Cold shower depends on the age of the child, how cold the water is, and also on the activity level of the child. If the child is older, acting more or less normal, and is well hydrated, you could try cooler showers. But it is always safe to use cold rags on the forehead, arm pits, and groin if the fever is not going down with medication.
Hope this helps.
No. Your child would just end up using more energy to maintain the fever and they would probably feel worse.
The shower doesn't have to be cold, in fact that may trigger uncomfortable chills and shivering. Just the act of wetting the skin and allowing the evaporation of the moisture off of the skin will bring the temp down more comfortably especially in a room that is not too chilly. After shower or bath, keep him naked and wrapped loosely with a towel.
What is needed is a warm shower or bath. The water should be slightly cooler than the child, but not to the point that the child shivers. Shivering makes more heat and will raise the child’s temperature. If the child has a high-grade fever, the water may feel quite warm to you, and be cold enough to the child’s body to induce shivering. 
It is better to use a lukewarm bath instead of a cold shower. If he starts shivering, the fever can actually rise instead of going down. Do not do an alcohol rub. The warm skin can absorb too much alcohol. Make sure you are giving the correct dose of Tylenol and Motrin.