Internist Questions Diarrhea

For someone with diarrhea, how often should oral rehydration salts be given?

My father has been having diarrhea since last night and is on medication for it. Since it is due to a stomach infection, the doctor says it will take some time to settle. How many times should we give him oral rehydration salts to regain strength and energy?

2 Answers

First of all it is always necessary to know the cause of the diarrhea. Culture and sensitivity should always be done for ova and parasite. It is always necessary to make sure that the current medicine is not the cause of the diarrhea. Some medicine can cause an inflammation of the bowel known as pseudomembranous colitis. Diet is very important to control the diarrhea
Kaopectate or peptobismol should be started in high doses. When the offending organisms are known, the appropriate antibiotics should be started. Autoimmune colitis such as celiac spruce should be ruled out. As far as rehydration is concerned, one or two glasses of hydrated fluids such as pedialyte should be given for each bowel movement. If the individual is elderly, I would advise one glass of hydrated fluid for each bowel movement in order to minimize the risk of CHF. As the individual gets better, he should be moved gradually from fluid to soft food to solid food within 24 to 48 hours.
If this is a viral origin whitin couple of days it should settle. If it lasts longer and not getting better will need work up