Obstetrics & Gynecology Questions Ovarian Cysts

Do I need to remove ovarian cysts?

I'm 40, and my doctor diagnosed me with ovarian cysts and my doctor only wants to monitor them. Would I need to have my ovarian cysts surgically removed?

2 Answers

There are multiple factors in determining as to how to address an ovarian cyst: size, texture, any symptoms, age, if indicated, certain blood tests, any other findings on exam or studies.... Much thought goes into making a recommendation.
If your provider has imaged your cysts with ultrasound and they appear benign or consistent with hormonal cysts from follicles then would recommend just leaving them alone. Some cysts will have features that require removal but ultrasound would/should see that. Given that menopause is hopefully at least 10 years away you want to save all your ovarian tissue if possible. Again if the cysts look benign on sonogram then removal not necessary and not recommended due to risks of surgery and risks to your ovaries. If having significant pain or cysts progressing then that will have to be discussed further.