Cardiologist Questions Propranolol

Drug Interactions with Propranolol?

I was reading on this site the drug Interactions with Propranolol and Guaifenesin, without the combination of Sudafed or any other nasal decongestant. I am a 22 year old male and was diagnosed with essential hypertension and currently take 20 mg Propranolol twice a day. I have a pretty bad cough and was wondering if it’s safe to take Guaifenesin if I haven’t taken Propranolol yet for the day and if it’ll increase my hypertension.

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: Hypertension: 3 years. Cold symptoms: 6 days
Medications: Propanonol
Conditions: Hypertension

1 Answer

Guaifenesin has no effect on hypertension and has no interaction with Propranolol.