Vascular Surgeon Questions Venous Insufficiency

What are the factors causing venous insufficiency?

My mother has been suffering from blood clots in both of her hands and legs. The doctor has diagnosed her problem has venous insufficiency. What causes venous insufficiency in a person?

12 Answers

Venous insufficiency is seen most commonly in the lower extremities, and can be due to prior dvts or blood clots causing longterm scarring in the veins, or can be due to other causes of vein valve damage or narrowing in the veins.
Veins injured by blood clots and inflammation. Varicose veins. Early evaluation by vascular surgeon and wearing compression stocking.
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The veins in the arms and legs have valves. The veins brig the blood back to the heart and the valves avoid the blood to go backward. The legs are commonly affected by venous insufficiency since stand for long period of time. Once the vein valves can’t work as a check point in the legs, the blood remain stagnant and increase the pressure in the vein, leading to swelling, discomfort and pain. Venous insufficiency untreated can lead to skin changes and ulcers.
A blood clot is different than venous insufficiency. A blood clot in a deep vein is treated with blood thinner.

Venous insufficiency is when the blood in the veins takes a longer time than usual traveling back to the heart. This is due to a problem with the valves in the veins. Insufficiency can be diagnosed in the deep set of veins or superficial set of veins. If it is diagnosed in the veins close to the skin this can easily be treated with in office procedures
The diagnosis of venous insufficiency causing blood clots in her hands is highly unusual and I suspect not correct. If she truly has been having clots in her veins and that includes that of her hands, then she needs to be evaluated for a hypercoagulability. This is a blood clotting abnormality test. It is just blood work. In regards to venous insufficiency of the legs, the most common causes problems with the valves in the veins that are not functioning properly. An ultrasound of these valves done in an accredited vascular lab with the patient in an upright position is the test of choice to make this diagnosis.
Venous insufficiency is caused by either a blockage of a vein, or incompetence of the valves within the vein. The most common reason for a blockage is a blood clot. Anything that slows or inhibits flow out an extremity vein causes venous insufficiency. Treatment depends on the cause
Congenital valve deficiecy
Previous DVT
Lack of exercise
Make sure the cause is venous vs. arterial. They are very different in causality and treatment. Venous insufficiency does not affect the hands. Venous insufficiency is typically seen in the lower extremities and results from the valves in the veins not functioning well...thus back flow of blood in the veins due to gravity (varicosities, leg swelling, skin changes, and ulcers).
Venous insufficiency can be caused by several factors, but is mostly seen in people who spend lots of time standing and sitting, obesity, after significant weight loss, and pregnancy. Venous insufficiency can lead to varicose veins and they can form superficial clots. Upper extremity venous insufficiency is unknown.
Blood clots and venous disease are generally unrelated. Blood clots can occur due to cancer. Venous disease usually involves the legs.
The causes of venous insufficiency are genetics, gender, pregnancy, trauma, history of DVT (blood clot), gaining extra weight, sedentary jobs. Venous insufficiency is a disease where the valves in the veins do not close properly and blood has a more difficult time fighting gravity to travel from the feet back towards the heart and lungs.
Simply heredity, injuries, standing for long periods of time, or if the pt has a blood clotting problem, clots damage the veins.