Dentist Questions Dentist

Gap between teeth after braces?

I'm 19 years old and I have worn braces and currently am on retainers with permanent retainers behind my teeth, but I suddenly noticed that the gap between my two front teeth has become wider. What is actually the cause of this?

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 7 day
Medications: -
Conditions: -

2 Answers

The permanent retainer behind behind your front teeth has debonded allowing this to happen. It is best to provide a second retainer to prevent reopening like a clear tray aligner to wear at night over the bonded "permanent' retainer. Sooner or later upper "permanent" fixed retainers will break and the second tray retainer saves the day until your orthodontist can re bond the fixed wire behind the front teeth
Good morning,

There are some possible causes including, but not limited to tongue habit or occlusion issues. You will need to get an evaluation from an orthodontist.
Thank you.