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Gastrointestinal problem?

I am an 86 year old man with stomach and gastrointestinal problems. I have chronic gastritis occasionally accompanied by regurgitation, pain in the chest and occasionally trouble breathing with a sensation of stomach in the throat, dizziness, and feelings of fainting, occasionally eructation and fever in the morning and any type of food makes it difficult for me to digest.

I confirm as a young man I underwent a biliary vesicle surgery. I would love to have your opinion and advice about it.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Male | 86 years old
Complaint duration: No
Medications: No
Conditions: No

4 Answers

You will have to see a physician for further advice.
This is not specific for one thing. I don’t know what a biliary vesicle surgery is. Perhaps it means you had you gallbladder removed. Would make sure it is not your heart first. Gallbladder problems can cause this. Also could have a large hiatal hernia with a volvulus. This means the stomach may be twisting in your chest. Would see a gastroenterologist
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Thanks for providing the detail on your condition, but I'm afraid that I cannot comment on your case, because I would need to know a lot more before I could venture a guess as to what is causing the symptoms. If you came to see me in clinic, for example, I would have to ask a lot of questions about the symptoms, go through your entire medical history, do a physical exam, and then come up with a differential diagnosis, followed by recommendations.

A well-trained, thorough GI doctor - one who is more interested in helping than just doing procedures - should be able to get to the bottom of things.
I recommend you see a GI doc for an upper endoscopy. It sounds like you need to rule out stomach inflammation or ulcer before you move further with any sort of surgery.

Ilysa Diamond, DO