Hand Surgeon Questions Hand exercises

I feel like my hands are a little weak. What can I do to improve hand strength?

My hands are often trembling and lack strength to hold heavy objects or use a knife for a long period of time. What can I do to improve my hand strength and possibly prevent needing surgery in the future?

5 Answers

It is important to always seek a medical evaluation by a licensed professional to ensure it is not the manifestation of something more serious. You also want to seek help sooner rather than later to prevent any further damage to the area.
Hand therapists specialize in helping patients recover full strength and normal function. Ask your doctor for a referral to see a hand therapist in your area.
Exercises using a stress ball or putty can be helpful as well as exercises to strengthen your forearm muscles.
The main question is, what is causing the weakness. I would recommend you visit your primary care physician or even a neurologist to be sure there is nothing specific causing the weakness.