Geneticist Questions Hemophilia

My sister has hemophillia. Should she have a baby?

My sister has hemophillia. Are there chances that it could spread to her child? Are there risks if she's pregnant?

3 Answers

Hemophillia is X-linked Recessive Genetic disorder. Your sister child could be inherited this disorder. In order to prevent that, she should do In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Test) procedure has to be done before her embryos to be transferred to her uterine cavity.
Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. Your sister's sex chromosome is XX, and for her to have hemophilia, both of her X chromosomes must have the abnormal hemophilia gene. She will contribute one of those abnormal X chromosomes to each of her children.
Since males have a single X chromosome, all of her male children will be affected.
Since females have two X chromosomes, all of her daughters would be carriers of the disease, but none of them would be affected unless they happen to inherit an abnormal X chromosome from their father.
Yes she can have a baby. She should see a reproductive endocrinologist before conceiving to try to maximize her baby not being affected. There is technology that can test eggs and sperm in vitro to her have an unaffected baby.