Dentist Questions Dentist

How can I make my dental implant heal faster?

I am a 35 year old male. I had a surgery for dental implants yesterday. How can I make my dental implant heal faster?

6 Answers

You can't really; It just takes time for the bone to fill in around the implant.
You can't. It has to take its natural course. Just eat right and care for it like your dentist told you.

Owen M. Waldman, DMD
Keep them clean.

Glad to hear you are getting the treatment you need. There is a variety of things that are happening when a dental implant is "healing." First, the gums have to heal and this usually happens in a few weeks. Secondly, The jaw bone needs to heal up around the dental implant. The implant is made out of a titanium alloy so that way it is as kind to the human body as possible. The bone cells in the the jaw integrate with the surface of the implant in order to hold it in place. This is a very slow process that takes at least 3 months. Then, about when a bone is broken. A cast is placed on for several weeks to stabilize the bone while it heals. After the cast comes off, the bone is still healing, but now it is stable on its own. Dental implants do not get a splint to stabilize them and they experience immediate force as soon as they get made into teeth (remember there is a lot of force on your teeth and you use them every time you eat). In fact, only about 60% of the implants surface gets integrated ("healed") into the jaw bone.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD
Dental implants heal much better if they are not disturbed after placement for the first two weeks to a month. The area of the mouth also determines how fast an implant will take to integrate into the bone. The upper jaw bone is not as dense as the lower jaw bone and takes normally a month or two longer to integrate. . Also how stable the implant is at placement also determines how long it will take for the implant to properly integrate into the bone. Not smoking is very important also. .
You are young and it will heal fast. There is no specific way to make it heal faster.